Learning training guide for learning basic sign language phrases using them in the field of tourism (hotels, airports, booking companies, tourist offices etc)

This training guide aims to promote the social inclusion of deaf and hard of hearing people in the field of tourism by strengthening the skills of trainers in this sector. It is based on the experience and practices of different European countries. The guide provides practical and easy-to-follow approaches and tools specifically designed for learning how to use the LSI to make tourism accessible. After a brief introduction to International Sign, the guide presents common phrases used in the field of tourism (hotels, airports, reservation companies, tourist offices, etc.).

This guide is an interactive ebook, bilingual, with videos included. You can read it directly online by clicking on the “Read online” button, or you can “Download” it and read whenever you want offline, on your smartphone, tablet or computer by opening the EPUB file with an e-reader app.
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The app is also available for Linux system https://www.edrlab.org/software/thorium-reader/

Guide in English / International signs

Guide in French-LSF / English-International signs

Guide in Italian-LIS / English-International signs

Guide in Greek-GSL / English-International signs